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College Football PredictionsWhere the odds are in your favor
The best tool for predicting the outcome of college football games

We provide an optimal win probability

College Football events are fun but very unpredictable, and it's impossible to assign precise probabilities to the various possible outcomes. There are simply too many variables.

We use artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze statistics and determine the probabilities for future outcomes. The utilization of artificial intelligence optimizes the potential for accurate predictions.

While it is impossible to assign precise probabilities to the various possible outcomes of a football game, our innovative software increases the odds. "Here is the Pick" software was created for the ncaaf college football handicapper and fans who like to analyze stats and trend data. We have built robust predictive smart models that take a multitude of factors into account. Whether for tournament previews, to increase wagering odds, or to generate debate on social media, we are uniquely positioned to provide highly accurate predictions for multiple competitions.

We didn't develop our system based on "economic theories" or "perception of value" or "patterns recognition". Our smart models are able to pinpoint the "performance potential" of each team. By stripping away the media hype and regional bias that distorts most sports predictions, and analyzing each team's actual statistics, our system is able to provide clear, consistent, objective data that shows you who the best teams really are and how they can be expected to perform in any matchup.

Historical accuracy of our algorithm's predictions

We generate game predictions using artificial learning, reasoning, and self-correction processes that simulate human intelligence. Our algorithmic projections combine large amounts of data with fast, iterative processing, allowing the software to pin-point each team's potential capabilities and apply a range of quantitative methods that factor past team performances and matchup scores. We began testing our methodology in 2018. So far we are able to provide consistent 16,290 predictive picks for the 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 college football seasons.

Take a look at how we have done so far!
81% Accuracy
63% Accuracy

Total Points
66% Accuracy
Matchup Upsets
70% Accuracy
Our Algorithm's Accuracy
We don't handpick games to predict.

We predict all weekly FBS college football games by utilizing our proprietary predictive models to uncover each team's "performance potential". Since 2018, using The Prediction Tracker Benchmarks for the most accurate systems that put out predictions. We judged our accuracy using the lowest mean absolute error, which tells us how far off a prediction is from the final scoring margin of the game, with anything below 12.5 considered exceptional.

"Combining absolute error and performance against the spread gives us a full picture of a model's accuracy. Doing well against the spread with a high absolute error signals that a system is lucky as opposed to actually good".

2023 Season - Performance